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Returning to the UK after living abroad

Even if you love living overseas, there might come a time when you decide to move back to the UK. In the time you’ve been away, there might have been changes in the UK you need to prepare for.

Will I be allowed to move back to the UK?

If you’re a British national, you’ll be able to return to the UK to live, but it could take a few months to re-establish your rights to services such as benefits and housing. It’s best that you have a plan to support yourself during this time.

Before you decide to return to the UK permanently, think about these questions:

  • Will you still get the income you receive at present when you return to the UK?
  • How do prices and costs compare between countries?
  • How will exchange rates and inflation affect your pension and income?
  • Can you transfer income and assets to the UK?
  • Will your insurance policies remain valid or will you need new ones? For example, private medical insurance, life insurance

What will happen to my pension if I return to the UK?

The State Pension in the UK is based on National Insurance contributions. If you’ve paid contributions in more than one country, you might get separate pensions from each of them.

Find out more from the International Pension Centre on GOV.UK

Are there any benefits I can claim if I move back?

You might qualify for benefits such as Pension Credit, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction (also known as Council Tax Support) when you return to the UK.

These benefits are means tested, which means that your income and savings are taken into account when working out whether you qualify for this benefit.

Are you entitled to extra money?

Do you know what benefits you're entitled to? Our online benefits calculator can help you quickly and easily find out what you could be claiming.

Get a free benefits check

Can I organise a care home before I move back?

To be able to qualify for social care, a local council need to assess your needs for care and support, and agree that you're eligible.

You also need to show that you're 'ordinarily resident' in that local council area in England. If you can show that you plan on staying where you're living for a settled purpose, you can get ordinary residence straight away.

However, the local council only has to assess you for social care once you're there in person. This means organising care when you're returning from abroad can take time. If you're planning ahead, it’s a good idea to have backup arrangements in place.

For example, you could return and live in private care home accommodation temporarily to establish your ordinary residence straight away, and then request a care needs assessment from the local council for that area.

Find out more about care needs assessments

We're here to help

We offer support through our free Advice Line. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local Age UKs. You can contact us on:

  • 0800 768 1602

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Last updated: Mar 05 2025

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