Universal Credit
If you're on a low income or you're out of work, you might be able to claim Universal Credit to boost your income.
Some welfare benefits have changed over the past few years. Find out how they've changed and if this affects you.
Universal Credit has been rolled out nationally and now replaces new claims for a number of working age benefits (benefits for people under State Pension age).
You’ll be transferred to Universal Credit in the next few years if you already claim any of the following 'legacy benefits':
People are already being transferred to Universal Credit. If you receive a letter inviting you to claim, your legacy benefit may stop if you don't make a Universal Credit claim before the date in the letter.
If you already claim one of the legacy benefits listed above and you're thinking of switching to Universal Credit before you receive a letter asking you to switch, it's a good idea to seek professional advice before doing so – in some circumstances, you may end up worse off.
If you’ve reached State Pension age, you may not be affected unless you're a couple and your partner is below this age. New claims for Pension Credit can normally only be made if both partners in a couple are over State Pension age. If they're already receiving Pension Credit, couples with only one partner over State Pension age can continue to claim it.
Here are some of the things that may change with Pension Credit, although it’s not clear when these changes will take place:
Bereavement benefits have been extended – you no longer need to have been married or in a civil partnership with your partner to claim Bereavement Support Payment (BSP). If you have a child or children and were living with your partner when they died, then you can now claim BSP.
The law changed on 9 February 2023. If your partner died before that date you can now make a claim for BSP or Widowed Parent’s Allowance and you may receive some backdated benefit.
For new claimants, Personal Independence Payment (PIP) has replaced Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
Here’s how you could be affected if you currently get DLA:
Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) provides loans that pay towards the interest on a mortgage or other eligible home improvement loans.
SMI loans were introduced on 6 April 2018. If you claim SMI, it may not pay all of your interest and won't pay towards capital repayments. This means you might also need to make an additional payment. The loan is voluntary and you have the choice to accept it or not.
Do you know what benefits you're entitled to? Our online benefits calculator can help you quickly and easily find out what you could be claiming.
Housing Benefit is reduced if you're considered to have more bedrooms than you need in your home. This is sometimes referred to as the 'bedroom tax'.
This could affect you if all of the following apply to you:
Or if both of the following apply to you:
There's a cap on the amount of benefits you can claim if you’re not working. The cap depends on whether you're single or a couple and where you live.
Whether you live in Greater London or the rest of Great Britain, you may be affected if you’re under State Pension age, or if you’re over State Pension age but live with a spouse or partner below State Pension age and you or your partner claims:
The cap won't apply if you receive any of the following:
If you're over the cap, your Housing Benefit or Universal Credit payments may be reduced.
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If you're on a low income or you're out of work, you might be able to claim Universal Credit to boost your income.
If you're on a low income and struggling to cover your rent, you might be able to claim Housing Benefit.
If you can't work because of an illness or disability you might be able to claim Employment Support Allowance (ESA).
Being part of a mixed age couple affects which benefits you can claim. Find out if this affects you and what you...
Each April, there are changes to some benefits. Find out what's changing for 2024-25.
If you're over State Pension age and you're struggling to make ends meet, Pension Credit could help top up your income.