Getting active when you find exercise difficult
If you find it hard to be as active as you want to be, we've got exercises and tips to help you.
Adding more physical activity to your day-to-day routine can help you do more and stay well in later life. It can also be a great opportunity to socialise and meet new people. Being more active shouldn't feel like a chore, so it's important to find something you enjoy.
Getting active can seem daunting if you don’t currently move much – so start small. It’s always a good idea to build up your activity levels gradually. Lots of everyday activities count as exercise, so look for simple ways you can begin to move more that fit in with your daily routine.
Remember that every step counts – even if it’s just a few extra here and there. It’s about moving more each day, in whatever way works for
you. You could start by:
There's no specific type of exercise you should be doing as you get older, but activities that work your cardiovascular system are best, as they help keep your heart, lungs and brain healthy. You could try:
The most important thing is to find something enjoyable because this can make it much easier to stick with.
Classes can be a great way to try things out and our local directory can help you find out what's going on near you. Lots of Age UKs run regular exercise classes for people of all abilities, at very discounted rates.
As we get older, it becomes harder to maintain our muscle mass. It's really important to strengthen our muscles, as this helps our mobility, flexibility and the strength of our bones. You could try the following exercises:
Living with a health condition can make being active much more challenging – but it doesn’t necessarily mean there aren’t ways you can move more.
The first step is to find what works for you. There are certain things to bear in mind if you have a condition, including:
Speak to a healthcare professional, or the instructor if you're taking a class – they'll help you find the best ways to exercise safely.
It's important to remember that some days will be better than others. Some days, your body might be telling you that you need to do less – or do nothing at all, and that's OK. More regular activity, however and whenever it suits you, really adds up.
We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local Age UKs.
If you find it hard to be as active as you want to be, we've got exercises and tips to help you.
When you find exercise difficult or aren't sure how to be more active, walking is a great activity.
Being active means something difference for everyone. Find the right activity for you.
If someone you love is struggling to be active, find out how you can support them to get moving again.
Age UK has joined forces with other charities to help those with long-term health conditions get active.
Getting active at home doesn't have to be difficult. Why not try one of these short videos? They've been produced by...