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I want to get more active but I'm not sure where to start

Making regular exercise part of your routine is one of the best ways to stay well in later life, and can be a great opportunity to socialise and meet new people.

Lots of us have spent our lives on the move - running around after children, holding down busy jobs and keeping up with friends and hobbies. And while it can be nice to take the rush out of life as we get older, there's no reason our age should mean we stop altogether.

Search for classes nearby

Classes can be a great way to try things out and our local directory can help you find out what's going on near you. Lots of Age UKs run regular exercise classes for people of all abilities, at very discounted rates.

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Types of exercise

There's no specific type of exercise you should be doing as you get older, but activities that work your cardiovascular system are best, as they help keep your heart, lungs and brain healthy. You could try:

Staying strong

From about 55, we lose around 1% of our muscle mass every year. So it's really important to strengthen our muscles. These types of exercise will help you keep your body strong and steady.

Lifting weights


Bodyweight exercises like squats and lunges

Can I still exercise if I have pain or an injury?

Don't let a bad back or hip pain stop you getting active. All exercises can be modified to suit what you can do. Have a chat with your doctor, and the instructor if you're taking a class – they'll help you find the best ways to exercise safely.

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Last updated: Apr 09 2024

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