Healthy living information guide
We could all benefit from being a bit healthier. Our guide can help you make changes at the pace that's right for...
It’s not always easy to speak about bladder and bowel problems, but they can really impact your day-to-day life, so it’s important to reach out if you need help. Bladder and bowel problems are nothing to be embarrassed about – they can affect people of all ages. Our guide is a good first step to getting the help you need.
This guide outlines types of bladder and bowel problems and recommends possible next steps to take. It covers:
It also lists useful organisations that you can contact for further information and, if you need it, support that's tailored to you.
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If you'd like to place an order for yourself, you can call our advice line on 0800 678 1602 or email us at – please include your full postal address and allow 10 days for delivery.
All orders are free of charge.
This guide is also available in other formats if that's more suitable for you.
To request any of these options, you can call the advice line on 0800 678 1602.
We could all benefit from being a bit healthier. Our guide can help you make changes at the pace that's right for...
Many of us may start to feel unsteady on our feet as we get older. Although most falls don’t cause serious injury,...
People find themselves in debt for all sorts of reasons. If you owe money and it's becoming a worry, our information...
When someone dies, there are a number of practical things that have to be done. For some, these tasks may be a...
Thinking about life ending can be difficult – many of us tend to not think about it until we have to. But it’s a good...
If you’re on a low income or you’re out of work and you or your partner are under State Pension age, you might be...