Information you can trust
We have information and advice for you and the older people you support. Browse the range of topics or sign up to our monthly professionals newsletter.
We've pulled together our most popular information and advice topics to help you support older people. If you can't find what you're looking for here, use the search bar at the top of the page to search the range of topics.
We have over 40 information guides and over 50 factsheets on a range of topics. You can download and share online copies or order print versions free of charge.
Our local directory search tool can help you find out what services might be available in your area, run by your local Age UK.
Our national telephone services support older people across the country, every single day of the year – from advice about money and housing to a friendly chat if they're feeling lonely.
If an older person you support is feeling lonely and missing the joys of regular conversation, they can sign up to our Telephone Friendship Service for a telephone friend.
If the older people you support need specialist advice on any of the topics listed above, they can call our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am - 7pm, 365 days a year.
Whatever time of day or night it is, if the older people you support are feeling lonely or need support, they can call the Silver Line Helpline on 0800 4 70 80 90. Lines are open 24/7.
Below are other parts of the website that we think may be of interest to you, as a professional supporting older people.
We've brought together information and advice to help your patients manage the cost of living – from coping with rising costs to looking after their health.
If you're worried that an older person you support has been scammed, or is at risk, our information and advice can help.
We conduct research to make sure our work supporting older people is backed up by evidence and data.
For regular updates on the latest information and advice and ways we can help you support older people, sign up to our monthly newsletter.
We speak to four members of the Age UK Advice Line team about what to expect from a call to this vital service.
How a depiction of dementia highlights the importance of providing resources for people living with the illness.
The Age UK Health Influencing team details how older people can be supported to stay well this winter.
Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Age UK, considers the past, present and future of the Windrush Generation, 75 years on.
Age UK recently visited a group supporting people living with dementia to capture what makes their sessions so special.
How The Alzheimer's Show provides a chance to share our resources and learn from the people they help.