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Information and advice - Hythe, Lyminge and Ashford

  • Location: Age UK Hythe, Lyminge and Ashford,
  • Price: Free
Call 01303 269602 for more info

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Hythe, Lyminge & Ashford - Head Office's catchment area.

Age UK Hythe, Lyminge and Ashford,
Sanford House,
Stade Street,
CT21 6BD
United Kingdom

As we get older the situation for us and the ones we care for is likely to change.

Age UK Hythe, Lyminge, and Ashford has a team of expert Information and Advice Officers working across the Hythe, Lyminge, and Ashford areas. They provide a free, confidential, and impartial advice service for anyone over 55, their families, and carers.

The Officers are able to help you navigate through those changes and ensure that you receive the appropriate support.

How can you help me?

• You can talk to one of our trained and experienced Information and Advice Officers.
• We also stock a wide range of free information guides and leaflets written for the benefit of older people.
• Home visits or community venue visits can sometimes be arranged.
• You can also download advice guides, information leaflets and fact-sheets on the Age UK website. Click on the link below for more information.

What can the team help me with?

• Maximising your income: Completing benefit checks to ensure that you are receiving all you could be entitled to.
• Help with form filling: We know those forms are tough! Our team are here to support you. Whether with Blue Badge applications, Attendance Allowance or any other form you need support with, we are just a call away.
• Care and support advice: A change in health can be a challenge and often needs adapting to. Find out what support is out there and where to access it.

What can you not assist me with?

We are unable to offer you information on any legal, financial, tax or debt advice, nor Power of Attorneys or will writing, however we will be able to put you in contact with an appropriate organisation who can. You can also download advice guides, information leaflets and fact-sheets on the Age UK national website. Click on the link below for more information.

How much does it cost?

The service is free to everyone, but any donations for assistance provided are gratefully received.

How do I get in touch?

You can make contact with us by emailing or calling 01303 269602. We will take your details and pass them on to the relevant team member.