100 Club

100 CLUB
What is a 100 club draw?
The 100+ Club is a monthly draw run by Age UK Hythe, Lyminge and Ashford. Each number costs £12.00 per year and prizes are £25, £15 and £10 for first, second and third place, with the amounts doubled for the December draw. If you would like to take part, please contact the Office on 01303 269602.
It costs just £12 to become a member of the 100+ club. This entitles you to be included in each of the next 12 monthly draws. Every month you could win one of the three prizes listed below.
January to November
1st prize - £25.00
2nd prize - £15.00
3rd prize - £10.00
December *Star* Prizes
1st prize - £50.00
2nd prize - £30.00
3rd prize - £20.00
Payments must be made in advance at £12.00 per year per number and can be paid by BACS transfer.
You can buy as many numbers as you wish at £12.00 each.
Prize winners will be paid in cash and winners names and numbers will be featured in our monthly newsletter.If you would like to join then email admin@ageukhla.org.uk
We do hope you join and help us continue providing services whilst enjoying a little flutter at the same time.