About us

We're a local charity working in the community to support older people, their families and carers. We want everyone to be able to love later life.
Who we are
Age UK Hythe, Lyminge and Ashford is an independent, self-funded local charity.
Established in 1975 and originally known as Age Concern we are now Age UK Hythe, Lyminge and Ashford to reflect our partnership with the national organisation Age UK.
Our locally appointed Trustees ensure we deliver the commitments we set out in our constitution and administer our funding.
Over the years we have moved with the times and the range of services we offer has continued to evolve according to the needs of older people in Hythe, Lyminge, Ashford and the surrounding villages.
We look forward to continuing this work for many more years.
If you have any comments about our work or services, please contact our Chief Officer, Cleo Smith, as soon as possible. Call 01303 269602, email co@ageukhla.org.uk or write to Cleo Smith, Sanford House, Stade St, Hythe, CT21 6BD
How we are funded
We rely heavily on the generosity of the general public, donations and income raised through fundraising events and our charity shops.
Although we receive small grants though charitable organisations, lottery and legacies. We no longer receive grant funding from Kent County Council, therefore we need to charge for our services to ensure sustainability for the future.
What we do
We give advice
Our trained advisors offer free information and advice to older people and their families. In 2016 our advisers helped local older people to claim over £500,000 that they were entitled to.
We offer home help
We offer home support services to help with shopping, cleaning and gardening. We help many elderly people to get their food shopping every month.
We deliver meals
The service provides a freshly prepared two course meal at lunchtime, hot and ready to eat, and our staff and volunteers provide a welfare check.
We provide activities
Our day centre has a wide range of activity groups and events, such as lunch clubs and exercise classes, giving older people the opportunity to keep fit, socialise, or learn a new skill.
Client feedback
"Thanks to your teams at Age UK Hythe, Lyminge and Ashford for cooking and delivering excellent hot meals for my Mum during unbelievably hot weather! As ever, I am really impressed by the cheerful and caring volunteers, reliability of service and standard of the food. Such a comfort for me as Mum’s only relative and living so far away in Edinburgh. It moved me to tears when I dropped in to say thanks last week (as you witnessed!)."