Age UK Hull kicks off a new Walking Football Programme!

Published on 10 January 2022 08:35 AM
Age UK Hull has launched a new Walking Football Programme for people aged 50 and over, at a range of venues across Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire.
Football is our national game, beloved of millions, and the walking version is a fun, friendly and safe way of engaging in physical activity for both men and women in later life. It's open to all, whether you've played football before or not and regardless of ability. It's great for the mind as well as the body and is a sociable sport, giving everyone involved the chance to make new friends and enjoy being part of a team.
This local scheme is part of a wider Age UK Walking Football Programme supported by both The Football Association and Sport England to help older people in communities to keep active and to improve physical and mental wellbeing through playing the game.
Age UK Hull Walking Football sessions will start on the 20th January 2022 and are being held at Costello Sports Stadium (Thursday mornings 10am - 11am) and Cottingham Sports Pavilion 26th January 2022 (Wednesday morning 10am - 11am) and will run weekly. The sessions are open to anyone over the age of 50 regardless of ability or previous experience. All sessions will only be £4.00 per person. All groups and sessions will be COVID-secure and delivered in accordance with Government guidelines.
Cheryl Beal Services Manager at Age UK Hull said: “We’re thrilled to have launched the Age UK Walking Football Programme within our local area, thanks to funding from The Football Association and Sport England. Being active is good for physical and mental health whatever your age and it’s especially important as we get older. It can improve confidence and wellbeing, help older people live independently for longer, and reduce isolation and loneliness. It’s been a difficult time for older people in our community during the pandemic, and our Walking Football programme will be a great opportunity for older people to feel active and socialise in a safe and fun environment.”
To sign up/ Book on to Age UK Hull Walking Football Programme, or for more information, please contact us on 01482 324644. You can find more information at the activitiy page here.