Age UK Friendship Song

Published on 05 October 2020 12:29 PM
Although we are not yet fully operational due to the Covid-19 situation, we are still here, and we will be back soon!
Until then have a listen to this from our Day Opportunities Service users recorded just before this all began.
Friendship - Original song written by the elderberries at Age UK Hull Day Opportunities in February 2020.
"I step out the door, get on the bus -
Meet my friends, fell so happy
Going to Age UK
Cause it's friendship
Cause it's friendship
Cause it's friendship
Cause it's friendship
When you're lonely, why don't you come-
Everyone welcome, why don't you come-
Join Age UK
Join Age UK
Cause it's friendship
Cause it's friendship
Cause it's friendship
Cause it's friendship"
This was our first practice, we wanted to record again, due to COVID we did not manage to meet again.