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Age UK Hull Complaint Procedure

Age UK Hull endeavours to provide high quality services for people later in life at all times.

Your complaints and comments are important as they give us a clearer picture of:

  • Which services you find most useful.
  • Which services we need to change.
  • What you would like to see developed.

If you, or a friend, or a member of your family is unhappy about any aspect of our service we would like you to tell us. There are two ways you can do this:

Informal Procedure

A complaint can be made to any member of staff or volunteer who works for Age UK Hull. All complaints will be acknowledged and investigated, and you will receive a reply within 21 days.

Formal Procedure

Complaints must be made in writing to the CEO, who will acknowledge and investigate the complaint. All complaints will receive a reply within 28 days. If this is not possible, an explanation for the delay will be given within 28 days and a full reply given within 3 months.

Right to appeal

If you are not happy with the decision on your formal complaint you can ask the CEO in writing (see below) to have the decision reviewed by a panel made of people from the Age UK Hull Trustee Board.

Age UK Hull
350 Preston Road

Download Complaint Form