Become a member of Age UK Hounslow!
Membership currently costs £15 per year and entitles you to a reduced fee across most of our activities.
To apply, please complete our membership form, available for download below or collect one from our centre at Southville Community Centre.
Once complete, you can pay your membership fee by cash or cheque at Southville Community Centre or by returning your form by post to us at Southville Community Centre and enclosing a cheque. Cheques can be made payable to "Age UK Hounslow".
As part of our membership, you will receive a membership card and regular updates of our forthcoming activities and services.
In addition, the membership fee is a source of unrestricted income permitting the organisation to provide for the elderly and vulnerable members of our community in ways that we are not able to receive funding to assist with. In these times of budget cuts and limited funding opportunities, we are reliant on other methods of raising funds to assist so many who need the help.
Membership Form
Download our membership form and sign up today!