Falls Prevention Service (Hillingdon)

- Location: Age UK Hillingdon Harrow and Brent
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow and Brent - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Hillingdon Harrow and Brent
Chapel Court
126 Church Road
United Kingdom
Email: falls@ageukhhb.org.uk
Telephone: 0208 756 4392
A physiotherapy-led service for people who are concerned about falling. FREE service for people 65+ living in the borough of Hillingdon or registered with a Hillingdon GP.
Hillingdon Falls Prevention Service.
This service is for people who are independently mobile (with or without a walking aid), Our Falls Prevention team assists people 65+ years who are at risk of falling or feel they are unsteady.
What we offer.
An initial home visit to assess your mobility, find out about your falls history and health issues that may affect your ability to move around.
We will:
• Assess your home environment and give you advice on falls risk factors
• Provide smaller items of equipment and walking aids to help you keep active and independent
• Complete assessment tests to identify strength and balance.
• Offer follow up home visits to supervise exercises.
• Accompany you outside while you build you confidence.
This service is not for people who reside in care home settings or have degenerative conditions such as Parkinson's.