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Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow and Brent offer a range of services to older people across the area. 

These services include both free and services you need to pay for.


All our boroughs offer Information and Advice, however other services are dependent on external funders who pay for the services we provide, telling us where, when and how this money must be spent. To see what services are available in the area you live in, click on the relevant box below or contact our head office by clicking here

Services by borough

Can't find what you are looking for?

If we don't provide it, we probably know someone who does.

All Services. 

Information and Advice

  • Information and Advice

    Our Information and Advice Services in Hillingdon, Harrow and Brent offer FREE, independent information and advice on all issues of concern to older people, their families and carers.

  • Help with Housing Problems

    We have dedicated teams in Hillingdon, Harrow and Brent to support you with your housing problems. 

    Hillingdon                        Brent/Harrow


  • Social Prescribing Service

    We offer a social prescribing service to older people living in Harrow. 

    To access this service you will need a referral from your GP

  • Our Trusted Traders List

    Our one-stop directory has been developed to make life easier for people in later life, their carers, families and friends. 

Hospital & Health Services

  • A&E Support

    Should you find yourself in the A&E department in the Hillingdon Hospital, our friendly support workers are there to help

  • Take Home & Settle

    Our Take Home and Settle service can escort you home from hospital and ensure you have all you need when you get there. 

  • Home from Hospital

    The team supports you once you have left the hospital, supporting you with a variety of tasks except personal care. (Not a same day service) 

  • Falls Prevention

    Our Falls Team support Hillingdon residents who are 65+ who worried about falling.

Paid for Services

  • Help at Home

    Our Help at Home service can take you shopping, to the hairdressers or barbers amongst other practical tasks like housework.

    You do not need to have this support regularly

  • Homeshare

    We  match an older person who has a spare room with someone in need of low cost accommodation, in return for support and companionship

  • Lasting Power of Attorney

    We offer a full Lasting Power of Attorney service, guiding you step by step through the entire process.

  • Will Writing

    We have a trusted and qualified Legal Adviser who offers a Will Writing and Estate Planning service across Hillingdon, Harrow and Brent

Social Support Services

  • Good Neighbours Service

    This service provides one off practical assistance such as help to attend a health appointment, sorting out paperwork or going for short walks

  • Dementia Activities (CST)

    For people living with mild to moderate Dementia. 

    We will create a 6 week programme based on the person's likes, dislikes, mood and memory.

Clubs and Activities

  • Ageing Well (Hillingdon)

    If you or someone you care for, would like to get together with others for friendship, activities and support, why not come along to one of our welcoming Ageing Well groups?


  • Cultural Club (Hillingdon)

    A drop-in style club bringing together older people from different ethnic communities to socialise & enjoy a range of activities.



  • Activities at Townfield Community Centre

    Whether you are interested in music, crafts, exercise or would just like to meet new people, we offer a range of activities Monday to Friday at Townfield Community Centre.



Can't find what you are looking for?

If we don't provide it, we probably know someone who does.

                                                             Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow & Brent

                                                  Proudly holds the following quality standards


Statement of commitment to the climate emergency

  • We acknowledge that the climate and nature crises have already and will continue to disproportionately affect certain groups, both in the UK and globally
  • We will work towards reducing our carbon emissions, strategizing and acting to support a transition that will help protect the communities and places we work with from further harm.
  • Speak publicly and confidently about the climate, using personal and organisational communications platforms to support campaigns.  
  • Commit to sharing and learning alongside peers in the sector, taking time to review our actions and the changing situation and adapt collectively.
  • Take practical steps within the organisation and networks to understand our emissions and how climate breakdown intersects with our mission and charitable objectives.