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Your gift, no matter how large or small, will help improve the health & wellbeing of people in later life.

Leaving Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow, and Brent a gift in your will is vital to our charity and helps support thousands of people every year. The proportion of people aged 65 years and above is increasing at a faster rate than those below that age, meaning that demand for our services is going to increase. Therefore, leaving a legacy is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can support us. It costs nothing during your lifetime but will have a powerful impact for many years to come.

How to leave a gift in your will

Having a will and keeping it up-to-date helps ensure that your wishes can be respected and your property and assets benefit people and causes you really care about. We would always recommend that you speak to a qualified professional such as a solicitor, when making or amending your will.

Your solicitor will be able to advise you on the required wording to carry out your wishes. If you wish to leave a gift to Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow and Brent in your will, all you need is our charity details below:

Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow and Brent
Central Office
Chapel Court Hayes
126 Church Road
and our registered charity number 1051711

We can help if you already have a will

If you already have a will and you want to include a gift to Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow and Brent in it, there may not be need to rewrite it. You can ask a qualified professional such as a solicitor to add an amendment (called a codicil). As a general rule, if the change you wish to make is quite small or simple, you can use a codicil, and if the change is more significant or complex you should make a new will.

What kind of gift can I leave to Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow and Brent?

  • A RESIDUARY GIFT is a share of your estate after taxes and debts have been paid.
    You can leave a share in, or all of, what's left of the value of your estate after family and friends have been taken care of. The advantage of leaving a share (also known as residuary gift) is that it remains the same over time, and you won't need to change your will to keep up with inflation.
  • A PECUNIARY GIFT is a specific sum of money or an item such as jewellery or a piece of art.
  • A SPECIFIC GIFT is a specific possession such as property, art or stocks and shares.


Contact us to find out more

If you are interested in leaving a gift in your will and want more information, please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to talk to you further.