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Cost of Living Financial Support

Published on 05 August 2022 10:32 AM

We know people in the United Kingdom are worried about rising costs to their living expenses and that  the government is offering support. 

Here are some simple to understand information on some of the help on offer.

This has been taken from the Governments official website. 

£400 payment for all households

All households in Great Britain who have an electricity account will receive £400 this winter.

This £400 will paid over six months with £66 paid in October and March  £67 in November, December, January and February. It will be paid directly into your electricity account.  You will not have to pay this money back.

If you have a prepayment meter, you will receive vouchers instead. Please contact our advice team if you do not have an electricity account. 

You do not need to apply for the scheme and you will not be asked for your bank details. If you are asked for your bank details, it will be a scam. 

Help for people on low income benefits 

If you are 1 of the millions of people receiving the following low income benefits, you will receive cost of living payments totalling £650. This £650 will be split into 2 payments of £326 in July 22 and  £324 in the Autumn. 

The benefits include:-

  • Universal Credit 
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) 
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) 
  • Income Support 
  • Pension Credit 
  • Child Tax Credit 
  • Working Tax Credit 

You will receive this payment directly into the account you normally receive your benefits into. 

If you are not on these benefits and are on a low income, contact our advice team and ask for a benefits check. If you are eligible, our team can help you apply. 

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If you use British Sign Language there is a video for you

Winter Fuel Allowance 

The 'Winter Fuel Payment' is increasing this year. If you were born on or before 25 September 1956 you could now get between £250 and £600 to help you pay your heating bills

The payment is usually automatic, however there are some situations where you may need to apply. An example of this is if you are not yet receving your state pension. 

Working out how much you will get is quite complex so contact our advice team if you have any questions. 

Disability Cost of Living Payment

Individuals on disability benefits will receive a one-off £150 payment in September to help with extra costs, such as for specialist equipment or transport.

You will receive this payment directly into the account you normally receive your benefits into.

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