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Brand Ambassador

Published on 16 October 2020 10:15 AM

We are honored to have Rajinder Singh known as Skipping Sikh as Age UK HHB Brand Ambassador

A British Sikh, who became a social media hit as the 'Skipping Sikh' after he took on skipping and fundraising for the state-funded National Health Service (NHS) in the coronavirus lockdown, Rajinder Singh has been awarded the Points of Light honour by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and MBE in the Queen's Birthday Honor List for all the fundraising he has done through the pandemic.

Rajinder came to the UK in the 1960s where he found himself having to get used to a completely new way of life. Bringing his love of sport and fitness with him from his home country, Rajinder has tirelessly raised thousands of pounds for charity and has inspired so many people to get active along the way.

“Charity runs in my blood – I can’t help it!” he said 

"Back in Punjab, my dad was in the army. He brought me up well. He was strict, but I never felt badly towards him. I remember when I was about six, he handed me a rope and taught me how to start skipping. He was very happy once I was able to do 30 or 40 jumps without stopping. He then taught me how to run distances. It’s definitely where my love of sports and exercise came from.

When I first came over to the UK, I entered a race at Hounslow Athletics Club. I wasn’t a member, but I came second. One of the coaches came up to me afterwards and said that I should join, and that I’d definitely become something if I trained. Not long after this, I was entered into a multi school competition, and I came first!

Since then, I’ve done so many half marathons, marathons and charity runs throughout my life. I’m hoping that the money I’ve raised from doing these will help hundreds and thousands of people everywhere.

Now, more than ever, it’s so important to be there for one another. During lockdown, I’ve started doing lots of skipping challenges, and have become known as the ‘Skipping Sikh’. Many people have got involved in the challenge, from young children through to grandparents. I think they’re inspired seeing someone of my age doing a challenge like this.

As a Sikh one of the principles is to serve others, and this is what I continue to do. I want everyone to stay active and healthy, as health is wealth. My faith is my strength and whilst exercising I keep god in mind at all times.

I’ve been brought up to always respect and help others wherever I can. No matter what we look like or where we come from, we should always look out for each other. This country has given me so much, so I wanted to give something back.

I am truly honoured to receive an MBE. I feel I am not someone who deserves this honour as I am a selfless sewadar who just wants to give back. I am the son of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and a key principle of my faith is to serve others, so I feel this is my duty and will continue to be until my last breath"