Guides and Factsheets
Our information guides are short and easy to digest, giving an overview of the relevant topic. If you're looking for more in-depth information on a certain topic, our factsheets are longer and more detailed.
Money and Legal Guides
Health and Wellbeing Guides
AgeUKIG15: Bladder and bowel problems
AgeUKIG47: Caring for someone with Dementia
AgeUKIG48: Living wIth Dementia
Home and Care Guides
Travel and Lifestyle Guides
Consumer Factsheets
Health Factsheets
FS5: Dental Care - NHS and private treatment
FS16: Trans issues and later life
FS20: NHS continuing healthcare and NHS funded nursing care
FS37: Hosptial Discharge and recovery
FS66: Resolving problems and making and complaint about NHS care
Housing Factsheets
FS2: Buying retirement housing
FS8: Council and housing association housing
FS9: Anit-social behaviour in housing
FS63: Finding private rented accommodation
FS64: Specialist housing for older people
Income and Benefits Factsheets
FS12: Planning or retirement: money and tax
FS49: Social fund, advances of benefit and local welfare provision
FS56: Benefits for people under pension credit age
FS74: Challenging wellfare benefit decisions
FS87: Personal independance payment and disability living allowance
Legal Factsheets
FS22: Arranging for someone to make decisions on your behalf
FS43: Getting legal and financial advice
FS62: Deprivation of liberty safeguards
FS72: Advance decisions, advance statements and living wills
FS78: Safeguarding older people from abuse and neglect
FS79: Equality, decrimination and the public sector equity duty
Social Care Factsheets
FS10: Paying for permanent residential care
FS24: Personal budgets and direct payments in social care
FS29: Finding, choosing and funding a care home
FS38: Property and paying for residential care
FS39: Paying for care in a care home if you have a partner
FS40: Deprivation of assets in social care
FS41: How to get care and support
FS42: Disability equipment and home adaptations
FS46: Paying for care and support at home
FS58: Paying for short-term and temporary care in a care home
FS59: How to resolve problems and complain about social care