Activities and events
Activities & Clubs
10 to 3 Clubs
Join one of our friendly 10-3 clubs that run across various districts in Hertfordshire.
It is a chance to socialise and enjoy a hot lunch with friends on a weekly basis, with the opportunity to meet new people, try something new, and find out about help available to you. -
Hertswise Memory Support Groups
Our Hertswise service is designed to support people living with low-level memory loss or mild cognitive impairment.
Delivered by a partnership of nine local charities and social enterprises, Hertswise can support you in a variety of venues across Hertfordshire. -
The Jaswant Clubs
We understand that older people face many barriers in access to services and so we aim to make our services as accessible and inclusive as possible. That is why we have clubs that meet the specific social and cultural needs of older Asian people in the North of Hertfordshire.
Events & Fundraisers

Click here for where and when you can see us across the county to discuss your winter needs.
For our latest Age Friendly Events click here

Impactful Lives LGBTQ+ Peer Groups
LGBTQ+ Peer Group Sessions
Impactful Lives are running LGBTQ+ Peer Groups throughtout 2024. These are monthly free to attend sessions aimed at exploring some of the successes, stigma and bias issues within the community.
For more information and other events taking place, please visit their website Home ( -
Check out our guides and activities to get involved with from home
Active Ageing Exercise Video
We've created our own Active Ageing Exercise Video. Watch and follow along on Youtube.