What we do
Age UK Hertfordshire’s vision is for:
Older people in Hertfordshire are valued, able to live well, age well and retain their independence throughout later life.
Age UK Hertfordshire’s mission is to:
Support older people by delivering services that help make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience
As an organisation that is all about people, the way Age UK Hertfordshire tackles this mission is critical and will be based on four key organisational values and a clear approach to the way the organisation approaches day to day work and challenges.
Age UK Hertfordshire’s Values are:
- Care – acting sensitively, with understanding and respect for all especially older people
- Be effective – achieving the best outcomes for older people for the optimum use of resources to maximise our impact
- Innovate –seeking more effective ways to support older people, particularly using technology to improve digital inclusion
- Improve – Listening and learning from feedback and converting that learning into better services for older people
Age UK Hertfordshire’s Approach
- Involving stakeholders at all stages including the shaping of services
- Providing equitable services so people (including carers) have choice and control over their health & wellbeing.
- Build on existing and extensive Partnership and joint-working with funders and other organisations both statutory and voluntary.
- Provide sustainable services by ensuring that Age UK Hertfordshire is cost effective and financially stable and each service is appropriately funded.
- Recognising and making effective use of resources by involving and utilising skills and experience of existing staff and volunteers.
- Promoting volunteering to ensure there are opportunities for people to maximise their potential.
Age UK Hertfordshire’s Strategic Objectives for 2021-2025 are:
- To deliver free services to support older people
- To take a proactive approach to the use of volunteers
- To deliver paid for services to support older people’s independence, choice and control
- To generate additional income by delivering low input, high potential output activities such as obtaining legacies and maintaining awareness (primarily online) of Age UK Hertfordshire’s activities
- To ensure the effective strategic and financial management of Age UK Hertfordshire