DBD Thank You

Published on 06 February 2024 05:52 PM
We here at Age UK Hertfordshire are very fortunate to have people and companies that champion our cause.
And it's with a huge sense of gratitude that we wanted to say a big public thank you to DBD, their generousity both in house and staging events has raised significant amounts for us in the last few months. We hope the quiz nights were a hit.
The money raised will go towards improving the lives of older people in Hertfordshire, and a lot of it wouldn't be possible without the good people at places like DBD.
DBD are a local kitchen and appliance supplier to trade customers, based in Hemel Hempstead and supplying up and down the country.
Thank you once more to the brilliant team at DBD and if you or your business would like to help us please email fundraising@ageukherts.org.uk