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Age UK Hertfordshire open new LPA service for older people

Published on 29 April 2021 12:13 PM

Local charity, Age UK Hertfordshire, have now opened their new Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) service for older people across Hertfordshire.

Their experienced and Quality Assured Information & Advice (I&A) team will provide free and impartial information and advice to help you make an informed decision on LPA’s and the different options available. They will also provide a paid for service to help with the preparation of the documents.

Mark Hanna, Interim Chief Executive, said: “We are excited to have opened our new Lasting Power of Attorney service. Our Information & Advice Team have been working hard training on this new subject and liaising with local solicitors.”

“Without an LPA in place, your loved ones may find it difficult to support you.” Says Information & Advice Manager Jana Kycinova. She adds: “An LPA is a way of giving someone you trust, known as your ‘attorney’, the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf if you are unable to, so it is important to have one in place.”

Mrs. G, an LPA client, has been overwhelmed with the amount of support she has received from the team: “I feel happier knowing that my LPA ensures my wishes are respected and financial interests are protected.”

For more information about the service or to contact the team today, please call 0300 345 3446 or visit: