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Mr and Mrs R's Story

Published on 17 December 2020 11:28 AM

Mr R suffered from a benign brain tumour which resulted in a lack of co-ordination, balance and hearing issues. This caused communication problems with his daughter, when speaking over the phone.

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Since the tumour his wife has been worried that her husband is not going out enough. He is mainly stuck inside most days in his bedroom. His wife has become his primary carer, which over time has made her feel emotionally drained, causing a strain in their marriage.

Mrs R contacted the Hospital and Community Navigation Service (HCNS) and the navigator, Christine went to meet the couple to discuss their needs. It was agreed that Mr R would like to go out to a club where he would have the chance to socialise with other like- minded people. As Mr and Mrs R had very limited money, it was agreed that Mr R could attend at a reduced rate and he now continues to go once a week. To help Mr R with his hearing issue, Christine also referred him to Sensory Services to see if there are any gadgets that can help him hear better and hopefully communicate better with his daughters.

To provide a break for Mrs R, Christine has referred her to Carers in Herts giving her emotional support for her caring role, along with providing computer training on her IPad.

Both Mr R and Mrs R now have more support.