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Mick's Story

Published on 20 October 2020 10:21 AM

“Since my dad has joined one of the Hertswise groups, he is doing things we would have never done before.”

Since being diagnosed with dementia, Mick* had very limited social interaction. He only saw his carers and daughter when they came over, and felt alone, living by himself with limited company.

Mick’s carer was struggling to get him to be more involved with social groups, so they contacted Hertswise for more advice and information about their dementia hubs.

After learning more about the activities at his local group, he seemed keen to give it a try.

Since joining, Mick has been engaging in everything and doing things he would have never done before, which has had a positive impact on his daughter Denise*.

Since COVID-19 came, his local group stopped meeting in person, but luckily it was able to continue virtually via Zoom. Both Mick and his carer attend the Zoom group every week and said:

“We talk and have a laugh, you have a way on Zoom that is clear and engaging. The sessions are so much better than we thought they would be. It is something different and we really enjoy it!”


*Names have been changed to protect the person’s privacy