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Lillian's Story

Published on 17 December 2020 10:44 AM

Lillian, 96, is full of energy and chat. She contacted Age UK Hertfordshire for help as she is keen to get out and about, but isn’t as mobile as she used to be. 

Lillian with her knitted Cinderella doll

Although Lillian has two daughters living nearby, who she says are “wonderful and very helpful”, they can’t be with her all the time as they both work. Sometimes during the week, she can feel a little confined in her small flat. “I get so lonely I keep the TV on just for company.”

Luckily Age UK Hertfordshire have been able to help. Now, once a week Lillian now attends one of our 10-3 Clubs for local older people, where she gets to enjoy lunch and a chat with new friends, and take part in activities. She also has a volunteer visitor visiting her at home as part of our Befriending service.

A keen painter when she was younger, Lillian now knits the most fantastic, colourful creations. “I give them to my children and grandchildren, as well as the neighbours’ children,” she says. “In fact, to anyone and everyone. I enjoy making them, and it keeps my fingers agile.”

Lilian is keen to keep her independence for as long as possible, so for her, having a full-time carer isn’t something she’s interested in. “I like to get up and make my own breakfast, forget I’ve made it, then make it again. I like to do all that myself,” she laughs. “I’m too independent to need too much looking after, but I do enjoy company and conversation. Age UK Hertfordshire have been so friendly and helpful. I’m very grateful.”