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John's Story

Published on 17 December 2020 10:49 AM

Losing a loved one can be difficult; and even more so when you find yourself suddenly living alone.

John at the Clitheroe Centre

John, 76, lost his beloved wife in July 2018 and living in their home quickly became lonesome. He had pictures of the two of them hanging on his walls, her clothes scattered across the bed - everything just reminded him of her. A month went by since his wife’s passing before John's daughter discovered ‘Men in Sheds’, a local group run by the Clitheroe Health & Wellbeing Centre.

“The first day I came here I got a leaflet, and that initial first time coming to Men in Sheds I felt a bit uneasy as I did not know what to expect. I then thought, 'Get yourself together!' and I walked in”.

Since that first day, John has been amazed by the support and kind generosity from both the staff and the other clients that attend.

“On my first day at Men in Sheds I met Alan - who I didn’t even know - and we got a little model plane out. He started to help me make it, and then I took it home to finish it."

John has been going to Men on Sheds twice a week since August 2018, and has enjoyed doing all sorts of activities such as plane modelling, playing dominos, and sometimes just sitting down with a cup of tea having a chat.

“I felt like part of the group because everyone is just so welcoming, which has done me the world of good since my wife passing away...Every morning when I get up on a day that I have to come here I think 'Oh, I’m going to the Sheds today!’ and I get all excited and look forward to it."


Men in Sheds is held at the Clitheroe Health & Wellbeing Centre in South Oxhey and runs on a Monday, Thursday and Friday from 10am-12pm