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Everyone Active

The Stevenage Arts and Leisure Centre have a comprehensive timetable of activities that are age-related to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of being active.

1. Organisation Introduction

Name: Everyone Active

Who you support: The Community

How you support: Physical and mental wellbeing

District(s) covered: Stevenage

2. Age-Friendly Overview

The Stevenage Arts and Leisure Centre have a comprehensive timetable of activities that are age-related to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of being active.

For those with health problems and, or disabilities we have an Exercise Rereferral Scheme which has been running since 1998. Over the years, we have helped thousands of people to become more active, improve or stabilise their medical conditions and improve social isolation. Participants can use the gym and are given a personal programme, suitable for their health condition, attend specific rehabilitation sessions such as cardiac, pulmonary, stroke and muscular skeletal pain. For those with conditions that would prevent them from using traditional gym we have an anti-gravity treadmill which supports the user with air, suitable for neurological conditions such as stroke, MS, Parkinson’s, chronic pain, surgery rehabilitation etc. There is also a seated Nu Step stepper which allows wheelchair users to exercise independently. Those living with Parkinson’s disease  are able to use the facilities free of charge.

There is a timetable of classes specifically for older people, the sessions are held daily and are well attended by 30+ people in each of them. These include Forever Fit, Strictly Dance, Tap Dance, Line Dance, Salsa Dance and Belly Dancing.

We are aware that not everyone can access the leisure centre due to travel difficulties, health or disability problems. To ensure that we can reach as many people as possible, we take the sessions into the community. We offer three Love to Move sessions in Independent Living Service centres and three age -related  Strength and mobility, seated senior fitness and senior circuit classes in community centres a week. These sessions are free of charge. We also have a timetable of sports and activities aimed at seniors both in our centres and community venues. Out in the community we offer Walking Tennis and a Bat and Chat table tennis session which is a community café so provides the opportunity for participants to socialise before or after they play. Within our centers we deliver free walking netball, senior table tennis, Pickleball 3 times a week, senior bowls, and Good boost sessions.

There is an allotment for those who would rather be outdoors than in a leisure centre. Gardening is a great way to improve fitness levels, improve mental health and meet like – minded people.

3. Objectives

Our main goals are to help to improve the health, wellbeing and fitness of the older community by offering physical activities to all, regardless of age or ability. We work in partnership with the Stevenage Borough Council, NHS and Pubic Health to ensure that we are addressing the health inequalities of the community and strive to offer a variety of activities to suit all.

We also help to improve social isolation and encourage customers to meet new people by providing Community Cafes, Bereavement cafes, Dementia cafes, Carers meetings, Menopause Support Groups and the Men’s Club. Once a year, we take the exercise referral customers on a coach trip to the seaside and at Christmas we have a festive lunch.

The Stevenage Leisure Centre is the venue for the Healthy Hub Stevenage which was opened in 2016. The Hub is a one stop shop for the community to seek advice, support and signposting onto services within the Hub or in the community. We have over 60 partners who we can refer to and receive referrals from, including Age UK, Mind, SBC services, Carers, and the NHS.

4. Implementation

The Stevenage Arts and Leisure Centre is the venue for the Healthy Hub Stevenage which was opened in 2016. The Hub is a one stop shop for the community to seek advice, support and signposting onto services within the Hub or in the community. We have over 60 partners who we can refer to and receive referrals from, including Age UK, Mind, SBC services, Carers, and the NHS

We also collaborate with local partners (for example Herts Sports Partnership) to set up new projects and programmes aimed at seniors and clubs; such as Stevenage pickleball Club, Senior Bowls club etc. to provide support and offer our expertise to help make the club successful.

List the resources, including financial, human, and material resources, that were utilised in the project(s), or whether you utilised existing resources.

There are a team of employees who are involved with the day to day running of the leisure centre classes and services

5. Challenges

To offer some of the projects,  funding is a necessity, with many agencies chasing the same pots, this can be challenging. Ensuring that services are sustainable once funding has been spent is also a challenge

6. Outcomes

The outcomes are the number of people who attend the sessions which is captured by the booking system within our centres. All of the projects, class etc that we offer are well attended.

Mens Club - Phil

It was so nice to have other men to talk to about health matters and to hear and share experiences. The gym taster provided has been fantastic, I’ve been able to attend regularly and have already noticed that I get out of breath much less now when walking upstairs etc.

The sessions were very useful, I learnt information about nutrition and exercise that I was unaware of.  I am 53 and would recommend the course to anyone approaching middle age, or earlier, who feels like me that they are just ‘drifting’ not really knowing where to go for advice on health and wellbeing and not wanting to bother a doctor. Rarely is men’s health a focus in today’s world, this course really brought mine into focus.

The instructor was superb, he knew his stuff and was able to explain everything clearly, he gave us all a chance to speak and share experiences, often adding his own.

The Menopause Cafe - Sarah

I really liked the support group meeting, it was really informative. I found it fascinating to learn how oestrogen and progesterone are so relevant during menopause and how the body changes during the different stages. I am 58 and post- menopausal, I really  thought that all my aches and pains and health problems were just a part of getting older and  It has been very helpful to learn how I can help myself with some simple changes to my lifestyle. I learned how being physical active can actually help with my creaking bones! The presenter managed to make the session fun! It was good to be with other women going through menopause who understand how hard it can be.

Exercise Referral - John

I have been a member of the Stevenage Arts and leisure centre for 22 years, over the years, I have had to cope with some major health problems.

In 2009, I had a hip and knee replacement, unfortunately, I contracted a serious infection which meant that i was unable to walk, and I was housebound for nine months. Eventually, after having a second hip and knee replacement, I was able to come back to the gym in a wheelchair. With the help of the exercise referral instructors, I slowly regained my fitness and ability and reconnected with my gym friends.

My wife Freda and I attended the gym and classes six mornings a week, but, sadly, Freda developed Alzheimer’s disease and passed away in 2022. I firmly believe that coming to the gym benefited Freda greatly by seeing her friends and keeping her mind and body active.  We often said that the gym is a social club where they happen to do some exercise!

I still come to the gym, the support that I have received from my friends and the fitness team has been a real comfort to me which is helping me to cope with the loss of Freda. If it were not for the support of everyone, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I have so much to thank everyone for.

Cardiac Rehabilitation - Chris

When most people think of a gym, they think of super fit people doing unbelievably hard workouts, not a possibility to most of the population. They wouldn’t dream of coming to such a place because they are not fit/ young/slim/ healthy enough. Today is my fifth-year anniversary since I had a heart attack and a triple bypass. Surgeons told me to stop working and get some exercise into my life. So, I joined the Leisure Centre.

I started with Cardiac Rehab, which I still do today. When I was able to do more, I joined some dance classes which I really love!

I visit the centre every weekday, my wife comes with me and we have made some wonderful friends.  We spend more time at the centre than at home! We love every minute.

On my fifth anniversary since having a heart attack and joining the Exercise Referral Scheme, I would like to thank the fabulous staff and instructors for making me the man I am today. Bless you all.

The Healthy Hub - Margaret

I came into the Healthy Hub as I see it as I walk past every day and wanted to learn more. I spoke to the receptionist and told her that I am a carer for my husband since he had his stroke and that I often feel lonely and get quite depressed. I was given some information about a carers group that meet regularly in the Healthy Hub who give advice and support over a cup of tea, I now attend this regularly and it has been a great help. I was also referred to the local Mind in Mid Herts and was able to speak to a lovely lady who has been helping me with my depression.

I was told about the exercise referral scheme within the centre and after being referred by my GP for health issues, I have joined the centre and go to Line dancing sessions and dance classes especially for ladies my age (I’m 72) My husband has also joined the gym and goes to stroke rehabilitation sessions.  I feel so much better than I did, both physically and mentally.  Walking into the Healthy Hub that day was best thing she ever did!

Stevenage Pickleball Club - Peter

The 3 sessions a week provide excellent exercise on a regular basis as well as an opportunity to socialise with nearly 70 other players. The free drinks on Wednesday morning has really boosted the social side of the club! They provide an opportunity to play with a variety of players of a range of standards enabling us to develop our Pickleball play in an inclusive and informal way.

Danny and the Everyone Active team have been huge supporters of developing Pickleball in Stevenage. Danny was key in helping us to constitute the Pickleball group into a Club attending all the planning meetings. He negotiated the free supply of t shirts to the first 50 players to join the Club, worked with us in developing two project plans (Beginners Sessions and introduction of Pickleball at Shephalbury Park) and then obtained nearly £2,500 in funding from Stevenage Borough Council to make the projects happen. 16 new players have attended the Beginner Sessions in just the first two weeks. 


7. Lessons Learned

The key to running successful projects for older people is to ask them to be involved in choosing activities and services that they would like. In the past, we have put on activities that we thought would be popular which turned out not to be. Consulting with this target group was crucial as we could then tailor make our programme to be inclusive and enjoyed by all.

8. Future Plans

We will continue to offer a variety or services and activities for this age group