About us

We envisage a Hertfordshire where older people are valued, able to live well, age well and retain their independence throughout later life.
More about our vision
Who we are
Age UK Hertfordshire is working to improve later life for thousands of older people in Hertfordshire today and for future generations. We celebrate ageing, we create opportunities for people in later life and we challenge disadvantage and discrimination experienced by our ageing population. Our aim is to set a positive agenda for later life and play a key influencing role in changing the approach of society in Hertfordshire to older people.
Age UK Hertfordshire is one of the largest charities providing services to older people in Hertfordshire and has a high level of recognition among the statutory authorities, voluntary sector and the public. Age UK Hertfordshire is a brand partner of Age UK, able to use the Age UK brand in return for working to agreed quality standards.
Our Annual Review & Impact Statement 2022-2023
More about Age UK Hertfordshire
Our Trustees
The board of trustees behind Age UK Hertfordshire
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