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Donate using Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)

By making a donation you are helping us to provide vital services to the older people of Herne Bay, Whitstable and the District who need our help.

older lady wearing a hatWe support older people through services such as our Two’s Company visiting service, day centres, lunch clubs and advice Services. The combined services of Age UK's nationally are the largest provider of services to older people, after the NHS.

However, we are currently unable to help all the older people we need to support, which is why donations from individuals are important.

Regular giving

The number of older people grows every year, especially those in frail health, so we cannot stand still. We need to plan ahead and expand our services to reach all those residents who need us. We can only do this if we have dependable and growing regular income.

Make a donation

You can make a donation by BACS, Cash or Cheque. Please contact us on 01227 749570 or pop into reception for the most up to date details.

Make a regular gift by Standing Order

Even a small amount, when given regularly, can help us plan better, do more and reach even more older people in Herne Bay & Whitstable

Contact us on 01227 749570 for a standing order form.

Gift Aid

Use Gift Aid and you can make your donation worth more. If you are a UK tax payer, for every pound you give us we get and extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue.

Donate in memory

You can make a donation to Age UK Herne Bay & Whitstable in memory of a friend or relative. You may prefer to make a donation instead of, or as well as, flowers at their funeral.

Leave a legacy

When making a Will you do not have to make a choice between family or charity. You can remember both, giving security to your family and continuing support to a chosen good cause beyond your lifetime. Remember that charitable bequests are free of Inheritance Tax.


Age UK Herne Bay & Whitstable

16 Reculver Road 
Herne Bay 

Telephone: 01227 749570