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Our Living Well team can offer you information and support with a number of services, see the full breakdown below.

Dementia Directory

A hub for local dementia services and support you could receive following a recent Dementia Diagnosis across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

Learn more

Dementia Cafes

Cafes are a free supportive space for people living with mild to moderate dementia and their loved ones. It's an opportunity to talk to people with similar lived experiences and get involved in a variety of activities such as arts and crafts, live music performances, local history talks, games and quizzes. Our team host nine cafes situated across Worcestershire that run on a monthly basis, which can all be found in the Dementia Directory.

Les and Gill's Story

The lives of Les and Gill, who both visit dementia cafes, took an unexpected turn in May 2022, as Les was diagnosed with a form of Dementia called Logopenic Progressive Aphasia.

Read the Article here

Meeting Centres

Visit a weekly Meeting Centre that offers on-going warm and friendly expert support to people with mild to moderate dementia and their families. At the heart of the Meeting Centre is a social club where people meet to have fun, talk to others and get help that focuses on what they need.
We have six Meeting Centres across the two counties, each Meeting Centre is different as sessions are tailored to the needs and interests of the people using them, their families and local communities through feedback and based on sound research evidence of what helps people to cope well in adjusting to living with the symptoms and changes that dementia brings.

Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (MCST)

It's a weekly one to two hour long programme for people living with mild to moderate dementia, proven to help maintain memory and mental functioning.

Dementia Wellbeing Service

Our Dementia Wellbeing Service is here for you and your loved ones to help you live well with dementia. Bringing together a number of services and activities which offer support, information and guidance following a diagnosis of dementia.