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Independence at Home in Worcestershire

  • Location: Age UK Herefordshire & Worcestershire
  • Price: Free
Call 08000 086077 for more info

Our Independence at Home Service offer short-term support for adults to improve their independence, health and wellbeing at home, while reducing the need for non-medical health and care support.

How can we support you?

- Support with shopping independently, either in person, online or over the phone
- To help you to feel more confident in doing housework and preparing meals
- To find new social opportunities, special interest groups and alternative sources of support.
- To support in applying for blue badges and bus passes and mobility and confidence building.
- Helping you organising community transport or patient transport for appointments
- Refer you to our Information and Advice Services, which will including benefits support
- Ensuring your home is safe and warm
- Help accessing equipment, adaptations and technology that will help you keep safe and well at home
- We will support you to access longer term support at home if you need it to ensure you can live an independent and happy life

Further Details

To be able to access this service, adults must be aged 18 and over, a resident of Worcestershire and not in receipt of fully funded social care package or long term care.

There is no charge for this service, as it is currently fully funded by Worcestershire County Council.

How to access this service

If this sounds like something that you could benefit from, contact our referral hub to find out more information. We are also able accept referrals from health professionals, self-referrals or from friends or family via our referral Hub.