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CEO of Age UK, Paul Farmer, Visits Worcestershire to Learn About Local Efforts Supporting Older People

Published on 24 June 2024 03:42 PM

Last week, we were pleased to welcome Paul Farmer, CEO of Age UK, for a day-long visit to Worcester to learn about the vital work we do to support older people in the local community.

As a brand partner of Age UK, Age UK Herefordshire & Worcestershire (H&W) operates as an independent charity, responsible for its own fundraising and income generation. The visit provided an invaluable opportunity for Paul to see first-hand the impact of the charity's initiatives and to discuss the unique challenges faced by older residents in the area.

Paul’s day began with a visit to the Computer Café, which is designed to help older people develop digital skills, stay connected with loved ones, and access essential online services. Paul engaged with participants and volunteers, learning about the positive impact the café has on reducing social isolation and equipping older adults with new technology skills.

During his visit, Paul also took the time to speak with staff members about the specific challenges facing the local community and the innovative solutions the charity is implementing to address these issues.

The day concluded with a visit to the Hartlebury Dementia Meeting Centre, a community hub offering support and activities for individuals living with dementia and their carers. Paul witnessed the compassionate support provided by the dedicated staff and volunteers, and played games with the members.

Our team would like to express our gratitude for Paul’s visit and the opportunity to showcase our work. CEO, Julia Neal stated, "as a Brand Partner of Age UK, we receive expertise and support from the national charity, as well as the opportunity to be part of a household brand that is instantly recognised by people who are looking for a trusted source of information and support for older people."

"We enjoyed the opportunity of engaging with Paul to share the challenges we face and discuss the opportunities for developing our vital support offer to older people to promote independence, reduce loneliness and isolation, improve wellbeing and support those living with dementia."