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Witley Court (or was it??)

Published on 08 August 2024 03:52 PM

Hmmm. I’ve been having a lot of clarity lately. My brain seems to be working well, and when it’s like this there’s no anxiety and so I feel capable, balanced and on track for living my incredibly simple life in an incredibly simple fashion.

Ta-da, I thought. Magic has been made. The muddled past has been wiped out and my brain’s undergone an overnight service, with all apparent flaws now corrected. Clearly I will now pass my health MOT with flying colours and can safely forget the rather dicey dreams of Alzheimers that I’ve been trying so hard not to have to live with.

I’ve chatted to you in past ramblings, about how pressure and stress are detrimental to my clarity of thought, and as I look back I can see I haven’t had too much, recently, of either stress or pressure. There’s been no law breaking, or, if I have broken any laws they haven’t been noticed either by myself or by the police.

So that’s a bonus.

I haven’t got lost, or lost anything that I’m currently aware of, and, again, so far as I’m aware, I haven’t made a complete fool of myself in front of anyone.

Added to this we had a splendid visit to Witley Court. I’ve been there quite often with my family, but it’s been a while and for some reason I had got it in my head that we were going to Croome. I’d been there (to Croome) the week before, but that wasn’t a problem because I really enjoy being with the people from our groups and I was lucky enough to be offered a lift. I’m so glad about that, because otherwise I’d have arrived at Croome and hung about wondering where you all were.

Obviously, I noticed on the journey that Croome was not our destination, or was it? Could it be? Like, was I being introduced to a totally new if rather circuitous way of getting there? But no? It was impossible to get to Croome the way we were going so I just sat and enjoyed the journey and the total lack of worry. I was in safe hands, and there was nothing at all to worry about.

Oh, and I’m so glad we turned up at Witley because I totally love it there. It’s one of my favourite, ever, places to go. The weather was gorgeous and the company was brilliant. We had a lovely little boat trip and I found it totally beautiful and relaxing - something, as well, that I had not done there before. I hope, if any of you reading this were on the trip, that you all had as good a time as I did.

I think the mistake I made over where we were going, was probably not totally blamable on having Alzheimers. In fact I’d say it had little or nothing to do with having Alzheimners. This is the sort of mistake I’ve been making all my life. I don’t know why, but I have always been a person who loses her way and I’m often lacking in being present. And being present, that is, living purely in the present moment, is something I’ve practised for years. It is one of the key teachings of ‘A Course In Miracles’ which I studied and taught before I went to Ireland, then went on to teach for several years, whilst I was there.

It has been a wonderful tool for me and helped me through some really difficult times. But, clearly, the one thing it has never managed to teach me, is how to remain present when trying to find my way from ‘A’ to ‘B’.

The trip to Witley was brilliant, I absolutely enjoyed every single moment of it, and so I thank you, both God and Isabel, from the bottom of my heart, that I was not the designated driver on that particular day!