In Touch Befriending

Befriending and companionship for older people in Hammersmith and Fulham
Our Befriending Service is designed for older people who would like more company and friendship, particularly those who struggle to leave their homes by themselves. We will match an older person with a volunteer, who will visit on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Matches will be made based on shared interests, life experiences, or hobbies to best ensure that a relationship can blossom.
Volunteers can also escort people to appointments, or support with other small tasks.
If you or an older person you know is feeling lonely and would like more social connection, please get in touch. You can come to us directly or through another charity, GP or support service.
To register your interest in befriending support or to sign up to volunteer with the service, please contact Peter (
Our befriending service is kindly supported by The Charity of Sir Richard Whittington.