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From Fashion to Fulfillment: Volunteering at the Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham Charity Shop

Published on 04 September 2024 11:30 AM

Before I began volunteering at Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham (Age UK H&F), I already donated frequently. My high-end fashion career had come to an end, and I was looking for a meaningful and creative way to keep myself active. Getting to know the many volunteers and employees who made the shop a success I was easily persuaded to lend some of my time to help.

After 11 years of volunteering, I still look forward to my daily tasks, from opening the shop in the morning to processing new donations and pricing items, I'm always busy! But the task I love the most is designing and decorating our shopfront windows. I have the freedom to style the mannequins, select props, and create a backdrop that best showcases our products. Expressing my creative side is great for my wellbeing and happiness and I simply love doing it. The range of tasks keeps things interesting, and the trust and responsibility I've been given truly reflect the Charity Shop's supportive culture.

My colleagues, fellow volunteers, and customers have become close friends, and this genuine sense of community is fantastic. Our shop isn’t just a way to support Age UK H&F; it's a community hub. Visitors seek more than just a handbag or a book; they crave friendship, advice, and understanding. That's why volunteering here matters to me so much.

I wholeheartedly recommend volunteering. It’s a rare opportunity to contribute meaningfully while forming lasting connections, so if you're considering it, expect a warm welcome and enthusiastic support.

- Martin

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