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Cooking, Caring and Community: How volunteering at Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham transformed my life

Published on 22 August 2024 10:30 AM

Before coming to Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham I felt isolated and depressed. I had been employed as a masseuse, but as my vision worsened, I couldn’t continue working. Around seven years ago, I started attending the visually impaired group at the Activity Centre. Right from the start I felt so welcome. The staff and volunteers were all incredibly friendly, and I quickly met many wonderful people.

As time went on, I got more involved with the group and even started helping run the weekly meetings. This really boosted my confidence. I also became friends with one of the ladies in the group and started helping her with her shopping trips. Later, I got involved in the kitchen, which I absolutely love!

Cooking has always been a passion of mine, and seeing people enjoy the food I prepare brings me so much joy. I also love chatting with the service users, staff, and other volunteers, who I now consider friends. Everyone is approachable here, even the CEO will stop for a chat and a joke! The team works hard, and everyone is deeply dedicated to their roles, but they’re also great listeners who offer support and advice when needed. There’s a real sense of community here, it’s wonderful.

Becoming a volunteer in the kitchen at Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham has been the perfect fit for me – it works around my health concerns and other commitments. And my routine at the Activity Centre is something I genuinely enjoy.

I come in twice a week and start by checking the laundry in the morning. Then I move on to setting the dining tables, and then start preparing lunch. This might be washing and peeling vegetables or prepping the meat. At lunchtime, we serve the food and make sure everyone is happy. Once the meal is over, we clear the tables, wash the dishes and clean the kitchen ready for the team to start all over again the following day.

My favourite part of the day is when I get to sit down with the clients in the dining hall and chat with them. I love cooking and seeing people enjoy the meals I prepare.

Being at Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham made me realise that I can still have a fulfilling life, even as my disability progresses. Volunteering here has really helped me come out of my shell. Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham isn’t just about volunteering for me; it’s a place where I socialise, take part in classes and trips, and where I feel I belong to a community. Helping others and connecting with clients has done wonders for my confidence.

If you’re considering volunteering here, there’s nothing to be afraid of – you’ll feel safe and very welcome.

- Anjela

Feeling inspired by Anjela's story?

Discover how you can make a difference as part of our kitchen team at Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham