Out of Hospital

- Location: Age UK Gloucestershire
- Price: Free
There is no charge for this service as it is funded by One Gloucestershire (ICS)
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Gloucestershire - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Gloucestershire
Henley House, Barnett Way
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01452 420937
Our Out of Hospital team support you to build confidence and remain independent at home following a stay in hospital.
How the Out of Hospital Team can help you...
If you're worrying about what will happen when you return home from hospital, our friendly, experienced team can help you. Once you are home from hospital, a member of our team can telephone you to discuss the support we can offer.
This might include:
• A home visit from a member of our team.
• Practical assistance, such as helping you arrange meal deliveries.
• Helping you to navigate the system to access any support you need and claim benefits you may be entitled to.
• Talking to health professionals for arrange support at home.
• Finding the ongoing support and care options that are right for you.
• Accessing services and social opportunities near you, such as clubs and community transport.
• A volunteer to visit you at home for up to 4 weeks to help you settle back in.
Who can use this service?
The service is available to older people who are discharged following a stay in hospital. You must be aged 65 or over, live in Gloucestershire, be registered with a Gloucestershire GP and be happy to have a home visit from one of our team to discuss your needs and circumstances.
How to access this service…
You can refer yourself, or ask any health or social care professional, relative or friend to enquire on your behalf.
To make a referral or for more information call 01452 420937 or 420928. Our Out of Hospital Service is provided Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm but there is a 24-hour answer phone so you can leave a message.