Lasting Power of Attorney

- Location: Age UK Gloucestershire
- Price: Free
Age UK Gloucestershire
Henley House, Barnett Way
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01452 422660
Having a Lasting Power of Attorney in place can make sure your later life wishes are respected. Our Help Team are here to support you.
What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?
Having a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place means if you’re no longer able to, or no longer wish to make your own decisions someone else can do this on your behalf. You can choose a person you trust (your attorney) and give them the legal authority to make decisions for you. An LPA covers decisions about your financial affairs or your health care.
If you’re married or in a civil partnership, you may assume that your spouse would automatically be able to deal with your personal affairs. This isn’t the case. Without an LPA, they will not have the authority to access your bank account, pension or make any decisions for you.
These decisions don’t have to wait until you actually need them. Having plans in place in advance allows everyone to be clear about what you want and can bring peace of mind, at any age!
Where to access support…
The Office of the Public Guardian are able to help with any specific queries or questions you may have regarding a Lasting Power of Attorney. Whether you are calling on behalf of yourself or a loved one, use the details below to get in touch.
You can also contact us on 01452 422660 between 9am and 5pm and leave us a message, and we will aim to call you back within 3 working days. Our Help Team will call you back Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.