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Ageing Without Children (AWOC)

  • Location: Age UK Gloucestershire
  • Price: Free
Call 01452 422 660 for more info

Our monthly Ageing Without Children Group for people who, either through choice or circumstance, don’t have children around to support them.

Are you ageing without children?

Ageing without children (AWOC) covers a wide range of people who, for various reasons, cannot rely on support from adult children as they are growing older.

Ageing without children could describe someone -
• Who, through choice or circumstance never had a child/children.
• Whose child/children might have pre-deceased them.
• Who has a child/children that live too far away to offer support.
• Whose child/children might have care needs of their own.
• Who has become estranged from their child/children.
• Whose child/children can’t offer support for other reasons.

You are not alone.

According to the national charity AWWOC (find out more using the link below) as people age the most common source for informal care comes from adult children, therefore those who are without the support of children are more likely to have to access payed for support and care. While today there are about 1.2 million people who are over the age of 65 this is expected to increase to 2 million by 2030. Some groups such as those from the LGBTQ+ community and people with a disability are more likely to be ageing without children. This leaves a growing number of older people with no informal support network or someone to advocate for them.

The numbers alone do not indicate that all those who are ageing without children are unhappy or struggling, but as an organisation we acknowledge the challenges that people might experience and the importance of raising awareness of the experiences of people who are ageing without children. AUKG can offer a variety of support options and opportunities for those who are AWOC to ex

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We're aiming to bring people together, to share experiences and enjoy each other's company. If you are ageing without children and would like to hear more about the opportunities you can get involved with, contact Help Team on 01452 422 660 or email

We also invite people to join us at the Holiday Inn Express in Cheltenham every last Thursday of the month from 11am - 12:30pm. The group brings together people with a shared experience of ageing without children for a chat over a hot drink. There is an accessible entrance.

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