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Join our panel and share your thoughts and views.

Would you like to have your voice heard on important decisions affecting older people in Gloucestershire, to help shape the future?

We have partnered with Gloucestershire Older Persons' Association and have a joint commitment to working with older people in Gloucestershire, to build a comprehensive profile that empowers us to understand:

  • your experiences, recognising the invaluable insight you bring to decision-making
  • the aspects of life that matter the most to you
  • the community where you live, enabling us to recognise areas where your influence can be most effective
  • who you believe should hear, respect and reflect your voice in their decision-making processes.

Get involved

If you are aged 50 years or over, you can join our Voice of Older People panel and become a powerful advocate for older people in your community.

What will this involve?

As a panel member you will be asked for your thoughts and views on a range of topics so we can better shape the future for older people in Gloucestershire. This may be by participating in focus groups or responding to questionnaires for Age UK Gloucestershire or on behalf of other Gloucestershire based organisations, interested in seeking your thoughts and views.

Our commitment to you

As a member of the Voice of Older People panel, our commitment to you is to:

  • engage with you to understand your challenges and opportunities so that we can ensure we represent your voice.
  • respond to public sector requests for insights to shape their proposals and make better decisions.

How to join our panel

In order to take part you need to be a member of GOPA (if you are not already). As a collaborative initiative between both organisations, GOPA serves as the 'home' for everyone wishing to be a part of ‘The Voice of Older People’. There are two forms to complete, please follow the steps below.

Step 1

Complete the form by visiting and follow the instructions. 

Step 2

Complete this form below sharing some information about yourself and tell us your communication preferences