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2024/25 Winter Fuel Payment

2024/25 Winter Fuel Payment

Published on 27 August 2024 02:00 PM

One in 3 older people are due to miss out on the Winter Fuel Payment this winter.

Are you one of them?

This winter, changes to the eligibility for the means-tested Winter Fuel Payment requires recipients to be born before 23 September 1958, live in England and Wales and receive Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or income support.* Eligibility is based on your circumstances between 16 – 22 September 2024, so if you already receive one of these benefits, you will automatically qualify.

800,000 older people could possibly miss out…

However, it is estimated that more than 800,000 older people live on incomes below £218.25 a week for a single person and under £332.95 for couples in the UK and are already missing out on the Pension Credit alone.

Could you be one of them?

If so, you are also due to miss out on the Winter Fuel Payment of between £200 - £300 per household to help you with the cost of heating your home.

Check your benefits eligibility

If you are aged 66 and over, check if you qualify for certain benefits using our Benefits Calculator. It will take around 10 minutes.
*Other exclusions apply.

Benefits Calculator

Not eligible for benefits?

There are many older people who may not qualify for benefits but will still struggle to keep warm this winter. Severn Wye’s Warm & Well programme will provide you with free impartial home energy advice and support to help you keep warm this winter.

Severn Wye’s Warm & Well

Keep Warm this Winter

Download our free guide on how to keep warm and well this winter.

Winter Wrapped Up Information Guide

Stay in touch with us

Age UK Gloucestershire is here for the older people of the county. We are passionate about helping you navigate later life so you can live your best later life. You can receive our FREE publications by post or digitally, including our biannual Grapevine magazine packed full of activities, information and advice, written by the community for the community.

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Raise your voice

If you would like to voice your opinion about the changes to the Winter Fuel Payment, you can sign Age UK’s petition here.