How volunteering changed a life

Published on 21 August 2024 02:00 PM
Volunteering has the power to change lives including your own.
Read Angela's story to hear how...
Angela first offered to volunteer with Age UK Gloucestershire in October 2023. She was feeling isolated at home and losing confidence. She wanted to get out and meet people.
After a busy working life in a customer facing role, and then caring for her husband, she had a lot of experience and wisdom to offer. We matched her with a volunteering opportunity at the Hospital Hub where she would have plenty of opportunity to meet people. Angela was waiting for a planned operation in January which went ahead successfully. We kept in regular contact and Angela was ready to start volunteering when unfortunately, she broke a bone, followed by a period in hospital. Throughout, we maintained regular contact and by July she was ready to give volunteering a go.
Angela has now been volunteering successfully for several weeks. She is enjoying the opportunity to meet and chat to people. She loves the fact that she is helping others. She is sharing the benefit of her own experiences and signposting clients to Age UK Gloucestershire services. She has made new friends with members of the volunteer team, and has participated in training with the colleague team. Angela’s determination to overcome the challenges she faced has been truly inspiring!
Why not volunteer today?