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Introducing Our Ambassador

Introducing Age UK Gloucestershire’s Charity Ambassador

Published on 07 October 2024 02:00 PM

Introducing Age UK Gloucestershire’s Charity Ambassador, Baroness Fritchie DBE.

2024 has been a year of change at the charity where we have bid “farewell and thank you” to some longstanding members of our team. But it’s also been a year of new beginnings as we have made some exciting new appointments. This autumn we are very pleased to announce that Baroness Fritchie DBE, is joining us as our new Charity Ambassador.

Our Chief Executive, Alan Inman-Ward said;

“Rennie has called Gloucestershire her home for many years and is passionate about our shared aims of helping the people of the county to enjoy the later part of their lives to the fullest. Rennie has had an extraordinary life; she’s always been a bit of a pioneer and I’m really proud to be welcoming her positive energy to the charity. Her skills and experience will help us to achieve some important aims in the coming months and years.”

Many may know Rennie Fritchie for her work as an Independent Crossbench Peer in the House of Lords, a position that she only retired from in July this year. But her experience and leadership have spanned both the public and private sectors over a number of decades.

She has directed her own business and has been a Non Executive Director of Boards in both the commercial and statutory sectors. She has Chaired a number of NHS Boards, a Digital Company Board and more recently for seven years the Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales.

Rennie has also been an Ombudsman and Regulator, a Civil Service Commissioner and for 10 years was Chancellor of the University of Gloucestershire. Although lacking a formal Education Rennie is a recipient of eight honorary University Degrees and currently is a Trustee of the Longfield Hospice and Patron of Pied Piper and Winston’s Wish.

Baroness Fritchie DBE said;

“I am honoured to be contributing to Age UK Gloucestershire’s future work in my new role as Charity Ambassador. Gloucestershire is home to me; it's a very special county with some glorious, green and beautiful places, but it’s also got its tough places too. Times are hard for a lot of people in Gloucestershire right now, particularly the older members of our community.

I am keen to play my part in making a positive difference to the lives of people in Gloucestershire and I can think of no better way to do this than working with Age UK Gloucestershire. Their advocacy, influence and services really are a lifeline to many. I’m excited about the future and how we can serve the community together”.

By way of introduction our Chief Executive, Alan Inman-Ward recorded a recent chat with Rennie. They talk about her life, her love for Gloucestershire and why ‘ageing well’ is so important for all communities. So settle down with a hot drink and enjoy this long-form conversation. 

Tip: If you'd like to turn on subtitles / closed captions, simply click on the icon forth-in on the bottom right side of the video footer. 

We would love to hear your thoughts on the appointment of our new Charity Ambassador, so please share with us by emailing: