Supporting the Gloucestershire healthcare system
Published on 05 January 2020 10:55 AM
Every year, the winter period brings with it particular challenges that are felt most keenly across our county’s two main hospitals: Gloucestershire Royal and Cheltenham General. This is mainly due to an increase in hospital admissions due to cold weather-related issues (e.g. pneumonia) which in turn, increases the pressure on hospital beds.
Age UK Gloucestershire’s Out of Hospital Service already has a presence in both main hospitals (in partnership with British Red Cross) working closely with health and social care teams to support more timely discharges. Critically, we work with older people once they are home from hospital, providing vital, tailored support for up to 4 weeks, to help them regain confidence and identify ways in which they are able to remain independent in their own homes, thereby reducing the risk of readmission to hospital.
Funding to ease Winter Pressures on local hospitals
In a change from previous years, this winter NHS England has decided to work with and directly fund a number of voluntary sector organisations to support the wider healthcare system.
As a result, Age UK Gloucestershire has successfully bid for funding to increase the scope and response of our existing Out of Hospital Service. This will result in a significant increase
in the number of older people we are able to help and support throughout the winter period.
The funding will provide additional capacity within Age UK Gloucestershire’s Out of Hospital Team. In addition to working with the main hospitals, we are also supporting the discharge of older patients from community hospitals. This, in turn, helps make beds available in Gloucestershire Royal and Cheltenham General.
You can find out more about our Out of Hospital Service here, including how you can make a referral to the Team. We may be able to support you, or a loved one coming home from hospital soon, or someone recently discharged (in the last week).
We have lots of advice on staying warm and well during the chilly months. You can download our leaflet, Winter Wrapped Up, or contact our Help Team on 01452 422660 for more tips and information on staying cosy and comfortable, as well as keeping those important social connections.