Kickstart your Decade of Healthy Ageing

Published on 30 August 2020 01:04 PM
Thursday 1st October 2020 is the United Nations International Day of Older Persons and this year marks the beginning of the Decade of Healthy Ageing (2020-2030).
At Age UK Gloucestershire, our ambition is to make our county the best place in which to age, so working with the local Falls Prevention Team and other Health Professionals to mark International Day of Older Persons, here are a few suggestions to help us all get a head start on that Decade of Healthy Ageing:
Look after your health and keep active
- Make sure you have your Flu Jab. They are free and available now. Contact your GP today to arrange yours.
- Staying active, even at home, is really important. Take a look at these resources from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy for some simple and fun ideas.
- Contact our Help Team on 01452 422660 to request copies of our booklets Staying Steady and Winter Wrapped Up which are full of useful information and suggestions to help you stay healthy over the winter months.
Be social
Research tells us that making and maintaining good social connections helps us stay healthy no matter what our age.
- Have fun, meet new people and get involved with a variety of activities by joining Age UK Gloucestershire’s thriving online community. Gloucestershire Springboard is a private Facebook Group and you can request membership by searching Facebook for Gloucestershire Springboard.
- There is a world of information, entertainment and connection available online, but we know that not everyone can or wants to use a computer. Grapevine is our brand new activity pack and newsletter available now. It contains lots of suggested activities that don’t need an internet connection and will help you stay in touch with us. However, Grapevine is available for everyone, whether you are online or not! Contact us on 01452 422660 to request your copy.
Contact us for help and guidance
- Health-check your finances as you may qualify for certain benefits, such as Attendance Allowance. We can check what benefits you may be entitled to and help you through the process of applying.
- The Age UK Gloucestershire Help Team is available to provide a listening ear and support with all aspects of later life and if we can’t help directly, we will signpost to the most appropriate service for you. The lines are open 10am-3pm, Monday to Friday, so call us on 01452 422660
Find out more about our Help Team here
We’d love to hear from you!
As we work to make Gloucestershire more Age Friendly, can you share with us how you believe older people contribute to the societies in which you live? We know you do but your words, stories or pictures will help us show others how you do it!" Give us a call or drop us a line:
01452 422660
Henley House
Barnett Way
You can find out more about The United Nations International Day of Older Persons here: