Important new role for Age UK Gloucestershire

Published on 29 September 2020 02:21 PM
We are pleased to inform you that Age UK Gloucestershire has joined the Governors at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust.
Governors are there to represent the interests of patients, the public and Members (including staff). Governors have an important role in making an NHS Foundation Trust publicly accountable for the services it provides. They can bring valuable perspectives and contributions to its activities. Importantly, governors hold non-executive directors to account for the performance of the Trust board and represent the interests of NHS Foundation Trust members and the public.
There are public governors, staff governors and appointed governors, all of whom make up the Council of Governors. At Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust, there are four appointed Governors and Age UK Gloucestershire is now one of those four, and this type of governor can represent the interests of the appointing organisation – in our case all older people in Gloucestershire.
This role gives older people a specific voice and should help and challenge the Trust to keep the needs and views of older people high in their plans, strategy and services provided now and in the future.
Age UK Gloucestershire is represented by the Chair of the Board and you can raise issues, praise and/or concerns with the chair via If you are not on the internet, then please call 01452 422660 or write to us at Age UK Gloucestershire, Henley House, Barnett Way, Gloucester GL4 3RT.
Please note if you have an individual issue with the Trust you must use their systems. You can go to:
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALs)
Call NHS 111 to find out details of your nearest PALs
Healthwatch Gloucestershire
0800 652515
Age UK Gloucestershire cannot intervene on an individual case. However, if you have identified an issue that is having an impact on older people, then please do get in touch with us.