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Age UK Gloucestershire is an independent, local charity working in the community to support older people, their families and carers. On this page you find out about our Vision, Mission and Values, read our Impact and Annual Reports and Meet our Team

  • Vision, Mission and Values

    Our ambition is to make Gloucestershire the best county in which to grow older. We want this to be the case for all people regardless of their background or circumstances. Find out more about our Vision, Mission and Values here.

  • Impact and Annual Reports

    We are delighted to be able to share with you some of our achievements from previous years. Our impact reports highlight some of the ways we’ve been having a positive impact on the lives of older people in Gloucestershire. 

Our Credibility

As a charity we adhere to the highest level of charity governance, policies and procedures set out by the Charity Commission.

Here you can find our:

GDPR Privacy Notice 

Charity Standard Qualification

NHS Data Security & Protection certification.

Find out more about how to send us your Compliments and Complaints.

More about us