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Keeping your fundraising safe and legal

Fundraising can be one of the most rewarding ways of supporting the work of Age UK. If you are organising fundraising in aid of Age UK please be aware of the legalities, and that you will be responsible for carrying it out safely.

Here are some things you should consider when planning your fundraising:


If your event involves the public it is likely that you will need to have Public Liability Insurance. If you’re hiring a venue then check whether they already have this.

Any event carried out in aid of Age UK will not be covered by Age UK insurance.

Food and drink

If you plan to have food available at your event then you’ll need to ensure it’s safe. Check out the Food Standards Agency for guidelines on handling, preparing and storing food. If you are using a caterer you need to make sure they have a Food Hygiene Certificate and Public Liability Insurance.

If you are selling alcohol then it is likely that you will need a licence.


You may need to contact your local authority to check whether you need a licence if, for example, you’re planning to:

  • hold a raffle, lottery or auction
  • provide alcohol
  • collect money publically.

Contact your local authority to check which licences you might need.

Emergencies and first aid

If you are holding an event involving a number of people it’s a good idea to have first aid supplies available and qualified first aiders if possible. Make sure emergency evacuation procedures are in place and that there is adequate access for people with disabilities.

Handling money

Here are some tips for handling money at your event:

  • Be cautious when carrying money around
  • Make sure at least two people are around when money is being handled and counted
  • Collect cash using a secure container
  • Put money in the bank as soon as possible

Thank you, we really appreciate your support!


Last updated: Jun 10 2024

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