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Why do we value old objects over older people? Age UK is here to change how we age. Make change happen
Here's how, with your support, Age UK is supporting older people through the cost of living crisis.
We want you to really enjoy fundraising in aid of Age UK, so always take time to ensure your fundraising is both safe and legal.
To help you on your way, we’ve included some tips below. You can use these to help organise your event, depending on the size and type of fundraiser you are planning.
Although Age UK is not ultimately responsible for your fundraising and can’t accept any liability, please do get in touch with us by emailing events@ageuk.org.uk if you have any questions. We’ll be happy to help!
Depending on your event, you may need to arrange necessary permits and safety checks. It's always a good idea to plan ahead before your fundraising starts. Take a look on the GOV.UK site for some planning tips.
It's also important to check with your local authority to see whether you need any licenses for things like playing recorded music or holding a raffle or auction.
Carrying out a risk assessment will help identify and remove any potentially harmful risks at your event. You can download risk assessment templates from the Health and Safety Executive.
Depending on your event, you may decide to take out public liability insurance. You should also check that any suppliers you hire are also covered in case anyone is in an accident caused by their equipment or service.
If you’re providing refreshments at your event, please take a look at the Food Standards Agency website and follow their guidance on preparing, storing and labelling food safely.
After carrying out a risk assessment and taking all necessary steps to remove the identified areas of risk, you may still require a trained first aider(s) at your event. This could be due to the size or type of event you are planning. You can find out more by reading the guidelines about Event First Aid cover.
If you're collecting money on private property, you must get permission from the landowner – for example, the owner of the pub, or the manager of the train station.
If you are collecting cash donations on the street, you will need a license. Licenses are available from your local authority or council. They'll also provide you with any rules and guidance for your collection.