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Donate through your salary

Payroll Giving is an easy‚ tax effective way to make a regular donation to support Age UK and help make a difference to people in later life.

Tax relief when you donate through your salary

Donating through your salary enables you to give to Age UK straight from your gross salary (before tax is deducted), giving immediate tax relief on those donations. It's also possible to donate in this way through a pension.

Lower rate taxpayer If you pay tax at the lower tax rate, for every £1 that you earn 20p is paid in tax. If you pledge £10 a month‚ we receive the full amount but only £8 will be deducted from your net pay.
Higher rate taxpayer If you pay income tax at the higher rate of 40%, only £6 would be deducted for every £10 pledged.
Additional rate taxpayer If you pay income tax at the additional rate of 45%, only £4.50 would be deducted for every £10 pledged.

It's more efficient for higher rate taxpayers to donate through Payroll Giving than Gift Aid as charities are unable to claim back tax above the basic rate through the Gift Aid scheme.

How to set up payroll giving

If your company is not registered for the scheme, they can sign up with a payroll giving agency who can process employee donations. You can find a list of payroll giving approved agencies on GOV.UK.

There is no long-term commitment. If your circumstances change and you no longer wish to donate to us‚ simply tell your employer. Also‚ if you change your job‚ your donations will not be able to be transferred to your new employer - you will need to start a new payroll giving scheme.

Further information

Whether you're thinking about donating in this way or you're an employer wanting more information, visit GOV.UK for more details about Payroll Giving.

We would also be happy to help answer any questions you have about payroll giving. You can contact the Payroll Giving team by email, by telephone on freephone 0800 077 8751 or write to us at:

Payroll Giving Team
Age UK
7th Floor
One America Square
17 Crosswall

0800 077 8751

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Last updated: Feb 11 2025

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